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Trusted by Businesses and Individuals

Delphine G. Carnes


About Our Firm

Delphine Carnes Law Group (DCLG) focuses on project finance, real estate acquisitions and dispositions, rehabilitation loans and grants, and mixed-finance transactions in connection with HUD’s HOPE VI program and public housing reinvention initiatives, including the use of LIHTC and RAD. Over the past few years, our firm has closed multiple mixed-finance transactions involving funding from HUD, the Federal HOME Loan Bank of Atlanta, LIHTC equity, tax-exempt bonds, Capital Fund Program Grant funds, HOPE VI funds, conventional loans and subordinated debt. Our firm has also closed several RAD conversions.


Delphine has been involved in the NMTC industry since the program’s inception. She works closely with Community Development Entities (“CDEs”), Qualified Active Low Income Community Businesses (“QALICBs”), lenders, tax credit investors, accountants, representatives of the U.S. Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions (“CDFI”) Fund and other industry participants.